Since I launched the new blog last week I have been asked numerous times why. Why are you wanting to be a politician? Why would you even dare to run as a democrat in Oklahoma? Why are you putting this added pressure on yourself as you start your new journey in law school? I respond to these questions with my stern ambitious attitude why not.
Why wouldn't I want to help make an impact in preserving our Oklahoman values and progressing the state and the northeast Oklahoma region forward. These initiatives would help make this region the shining example for business development and the opportune area to live in Oklahoma. I respond to those who ask why democrat with the response, that when selecting someone to represent your values I believe in selecting someone not by party affiliations but by their track record. I feel that our preconceived thoughts and passed down ideology about politics makes us prejudice about individuals who are actually trying to make an impact for the good. It is about having individuals with a clear vision that is pure without a hidden agenda. Pure, is when the goal is for the elected official to actually have tangible goals for their people they represent that are not driven with personal payoff in mind. Only when we elect these officials and support these officials no matter their political party will Oklahoma achieve their greatest accomplishments that will benefit all Oklahomans. Forget your petty differences with those in office if they weren't your first choice and ask them how can we support you to help the greater good. Paraphrasing JFK, it is not about what your country can do for you but it is about what you can do for your country.
When asked why would I want to add something else to my already busy life, I tell those individuals that I am chasing the American Dream. Just like my ancestors who rode a boat from their native land to America in hope of a new beginning for their family and a future that was more prosperous than what it would have been in their former country, I chase that dream. To escape from an area from where the socioeconomic factors set forth a preconceived limitation for those that are raised in that area. I want to show that anything is possible if you work hard enough. It is not about building a prosperous life for myself it is about empowering others to do good and to change their lives. That is why I do what I do because I want to empower individuals like my sisters who grew up in the same economic strife to be ambitious and to back those dreams with hard work. I have big goals but they are grounded because of the reasons behind them.
It will be a balancing act to balance my law studies, my family, my fiance, and my political dreams but it is about making an impact that affects the greater good for my fellow citizens. Long live democracy and long live Oklahoma.
Anthony William Tucker (AWT)
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